Emmanuel is about Jesus and His Grace
Emmanuel is a family of believers—a non-denominational, Bible-believing, Baptist church where Jesus is first, people are loved, and the gospel of grace is center stage. We are serious about God’s truth and Jesus’ mission. We love God and each other, we grow together in God’s word, and we seek to serve others with authentic grace and humility. Come and see Emmanuel, experience spiritual renewal, and discover God’s heart for you!
It’s about a relationship, not a religion

From Cary & Dana
Let’s face it—life beats us up! If you could use a breath of fresh air for your soul, you’ll be in good company at Emmanuel. Our church is a family of broken people who love each other and love helping others discover the real message of Jesus. We would love to connect with you this Sunday and encourage your spiritual journey in God’s grace!
Experience Emmanuel
Start your spiritual growth journey today
Most people think that following Jesus is about reforming your personal behavior, becoming religious, and following a list of rules to earn God’s favor and forgiveness. This was not at all the message of Jesus. His message was about receiving forgiveness and eternal life as a gift of God—by grace through faith. It all happens when you choose to believe! Download this free eBook today to learn more about the greatest gift God gave to man through Jesus and how you can receive it!
Follow in Baptism
Baptism is the next step, after belief, for any serious follower of Jesus. Baptism is like a wedding ring—it’s an outward sign of an inward decision. It’s a decision to publicly identify that Jesus is your personal Saviour. Have you recently placed your trust in Jesus to save you? Then let us help you plan a time to be baptized soon.
Connect with Believers
In life we all need authentic, loving friends who encourage and value us, and who cheer us on the journey of spiritual growth. Emmanuel is a place where diverse people are following Jesus together—they are connecting through meaningful relationships and building lifelong friendships. People of every life-stage have a group where they can grow as devoted followers of Jesus.